The Fasac's Way

A family, a company, a group. We value industry, people, management, and art. We value meticulousness, listening, and intuition. In our vision, every objective achieved is a starting point for a new challenge.

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People, family, investment. For us, investing translates into leveraging the most advanced technologies and enhancing human resources at every level.



It's all about form and substance. And about tailor-made garments, quick decision-making, problem-solving approach, availability, and empathy with customers. Because the beauty of every customer lies in their individuality.



This is the secret of our success. Continuous and proactive research, intellectual curiosity, artistry, and a trend-driven attitude. At Fasac, every day is unique.



It's about anticipating trends. When it comes to trends, we like to be ahead of the game. Through targeted and constant investments, Fasac makes the perfect partner in terms of the quantity and quality thanks to the resources and technologies available on site.

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Our mission is to excel. Setting a clear and achievable goal is the core of the company's philosophy. Striving daily to out-perform the day before is the first step towards generating unexpected success.

That human touch, that Italian flair

A unique mix of respect, intellectual curiosity, meticulousness, and tradition enables us to create original and tailor-made solutions. Fast processes and problem-solving have been key in building special relationships with every customer for over sixty years.

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Guardians of core values

We value human resources and measure ourselves against the market on a daily basis. These are the good habits we follow every day to strengthen our growth.


Our art is a steady and unceasing striving for excellence.

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© 2023-25 - FASAC1955. All rights reserved.

Fasac S.p.a. | VAT Number: 08010470154 | Share Capital: 156.000 fully paid-up | Company Register no. 08010470154 | REA no. COMO CO-218035